
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Top 10 Signs She's Made For You

All of your life, you have been the single guy. You have never been able to envision yourself settling down, let alone trust women, but suddenly you meet this gift from heaven and she makes you wonder what could have possibly hit you across the head. So how do you know she's heaven-sent? Here are the Top 10 signs she's made for you.

10. You trust her
You have had difficulty trusting women your whole life. Then one day, you realize that you can trust the woman standing beside you. For the first time in your life, you don't think twice about opening up about personal matters or letting her take care of important objects; you know that you can turn your back to her and not worry. You even want to introduce her to your friends and family.

9. She gets along with your friends
She meets your friends one by one, and you get the eerie impression that she likes them and could actually get along with them. Better yet, she understands and encourages you to spend time with them and have your own life.

8. She has fun with your crazy family
You cringe at the thought of her meeting grandpa Joe and hearing about his sordid tales... but when the big day comes, you realize that she actually finds his stories funny. She seems to care for your parents and likes your siblings. She loves your friends and family.

7. You forget your friends
You always chose hanging out with the boys first and the girlfriend second, only now, playing pool and having some drinks with your buds isn't as interesting as it used to be. You prefer to see her and pass up the friends.

6. You forget about your ex
You've been thinking about the ex-girlfriend for some time now, until you meet the goddess that is her. From the time you first laid eyes on her, you seem to have finally turned a new page. You still look at other women, but it's just "looking".

Yup, she may just be the one...

5. You get mad when others debase her
Whether it's your friends, family or some stranger, you get irritated when people say mean things about your woman. You contemplate smashing their skulls, but opt to make them eat their words instead.

4. Chemical balance
You have so much chemistry oozing between the two of you that you have no choice but to give into temptation. She is on your mind at all times, and every time you go shopping alone, you end up buying her something. You can stare at one another and not say anything for hours; you have achieved "the comfortable silence".

3. You ask yourself where she has been all your life
She wants to know all about you -- the good and the bad -- and is not turned off by the latter. You envision yourself married to her and wonder what your kids would look like. While this thought would have made you nauseous years ago, it now brings a smile to your face.

2. You treat her
Your idea of cooking may have been delivery or microwave meals, but suddenly you'd love to fix up a five-course meal for her, serve her, wine and dine her, and then take her in your arms. You were once a cheapskate, but now spend all your discretionary income on her. You even clean your pad when you know she's coming over.

1. You find yourself unable to concentrate
Being productive at work has become increasingly difficult, listening attentively in class is a daunting task, and all you can think about is when you will see her next. As pathetic as it may be, you cannot wait to see her again, and you even consider calling her to let her know just that.

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